Cuphead playtesting
Cuphead playtesting
Autor/a (s)
Hodei Otegi González

Curs i assignatura
4t, Playtesting aplicado al diseño de videojuegos
Hodei Otegi González
4t, Playtesting aplicado al diseño de videojuegos
Jordi Borraz Giribet
4t, Treball de fi de grau
Marina Codony Lleonart
4t, Treball de fi de grau
Alex Ruiz Rabasseda
4t, Treball de fi de grau
In Eden Void you were given life in order to populate a barren earth, but death has decided otherwise, putting you in a deadly test to see if you have what it takes to be the one to create life.
Alone…? Split yourself!
Thanks to the power of mitosis split yourself and create one of two types of Tosis. Each one has two abilities, obtain them and figure out how to advance!
3r, Projecte de Creació i Desenvolupament III